The Rapture of Awakening: When Reality Cracks Open
At some point, we all sense it—something is deeply wrong with the world as we were taught to see it. Waking up isn’t just a realization; it’s a collapse, a reckoning, a rapture.

At some point, everything you believed to be true begins to unravel.
What was once stable becomes uncertain. The institutions you trusted—schools, governments, the medical system—begin to feel hollow, like a carefully constructed illusion.
The world you were taught to navigate no longer makes sense. You see the cracks.
At first, you try to ignore them. You tell yourself it’s just overthinking, or a phase, or paranoia. But the cracks widen.
You mention it to friends, family, or peers—only to be met with blank stares, discomfort, or dismissal.
"You’re overanalyzing."
"You just need to relax."
"This is just how the world works."
But you know—something is deeply wrong.
What you are experiencing is not a breakdown. It is not a malfunction.
It is awakening.
And it is one of the most painful, disorienting, and necessary experiences you will ever go through.
The Shock of Awakening: A System Designed for Control
From birth, we are given a script:
- Work hard, follow the rules, and you will be successful.
- Authority figures exist to protect you and guide you.
- Society is built for your well-being.
- If you do the “right” things, you will be safe and happy.
But reality does not match this script.
- You see that success is often tied to power, privilege, and deception rather than effort or morality.
- You realize that authority figures are not necessarily wise—many are operating from their own conditioning, fear, and control mechanisms.
- You recognize that the systems designed to “protect” and “educate” you often exist to maintain obedience, not truth.
This disillusionment is often called the "veil lifting"—the moment when you stop seeing the world as you were taught to see it, and begin seeing it as it actually is.
But the moment you see the cracks, there is no going back.
The Collapse: When the Illusion Breaks Wide Open
For some, awakening is gradual—a slow unraveling of beliefs over years.
For others, it is sudden and violent—a moment that shatters everything.
- A deep betrayal.
- A personal crisis.
- A sudden realization that cannot be ignored.
For me, it was all of the above.
I had spent my life playing by the rules, believing that if I did everything “right,” I would be safe. I had a job, a relationship, a sense of stability—until it all fell apart.
- I lost my job.
- I experienced miscarriages.
- My relationship dissolved.
- The system I was told would support me utterly failed me.
- The mental health system, instead of helping, tried to diagnose and medicate what was actually an existential awakening.
I had no choice but to question everything.
And this is what I realized: The system is not broken—it is designed this way.
“You’re Just Depressed”: How the System Pathologizes Awakening
When people begin questioning, the system gaslights them.
- You are depressed.
- You have anxiety.
- You need medication, therapy, a diagnosis.
- You are the problem, not the world around you.
This is not new.
In the 1950s, psychologist R.D. Laing argued that Western society often mislabels spiritual awakenings and existential crises as mental illness.
- In indigenous cultures, these experiences were often recognized as initiations.
- In modern Western society, they are seen as disorders that need treatment.
Hungarian physician Gabor Maté has spoken extensively about how society treats trauma and existential suffering as personal pathology rather than a symptom of a dysfunctional world.
Western culture has no language for awakening.
So instead of guiding people through it, it calls awakening a disorder.
But what if:
- You are not sick?
- You are not “crazy”?
- You are simply seeing clearly for the first time?
The system does not benefit from your awakening. It benefits from your obedience.
The Stages of Awakening: What Comes Next?
1. Anger & Betrayal (The Fire Stage)
The first response to awakening is rage.
- Rage at the lies you were told.
- Rage at the people who still believe them.
- Rage at yourself for not seeing it sooner.
This anger is necessary. It burns away illusion.
But anger is a fire—if you live in it too long, it consumes you.
Don’t stay here. The system thrives on division and rage. The true rebellion is not fighting—it is stepping beyond the game entirely.
2. Grief & Isolation (The Void Stage)
After the fire, there is emptiness.
You realize that your old life is gone.
- You no longer fit in with the people you once called friends.
- The things that used to excite you now feel meaningless.
- You grieve not just what you lost, but who you used to be.
Let yourself grieve. It is painful, but necessary.
3. Deconditioning (The Rebuilding Stage)
This is the phase where you:
- Question every belief you inherited.
- Separate your true intuition from societal conditioning.
- Reconnect with your body’s intelligence.
Practical Steps:
✔ Notice fear-based beliefs (Who benefits from your fear?)
✔ Observe your reactions (Are they instinct or conditioning?)
✔ Stop outsourcing knowledge (Trust direct experience.)
4. Embodiment (The True Awakening)
True awakening is not just about rejecting illusions—it is about living in alignment with truth.
- You no longer seek external validation.
- You trust your body’s intelligence over external authority.
- You see through the fear-based control mechanisms and choose sovereignty instead.
What Embodiment Looks Like
- You stop explaining yourself to those who do not see.
- You no longer react to external manipulation.
- You create, rather than consume.
- You align your life with truth, not fear.
This is not an endpoint—it is the beginning of a new way of being.
Final Message: You Are Not Alone
Awakening is terrifying, but you are not alone.
Many people are waking up.
The system wants you to feel isolated, but in reality, we are finding each other.
And here’s the final truth:
- The world does not change when you fight the old.
- The world changes when you step outside of illusion and build something real.
You are not crazy.
You are remembering.
Welcome home.
Practical Next Steps
✔ Observe – Notice illusions, but don’t get trapped in them.
✔ Feel Everything – Rage, grief, loss—do not bypass it.
✔ Detach from Fear – Every fear you have, ask: Who benefits from this fear?
✔ Trust Yourself – The answers are not in a book, a leader, or a system.
✔ Find Others – You are not alone. You never were.
This is the great awakening.
And you were born for this.